The USA and China are battling it out over climate change responses, part of their wider global contest, with the deployment of renewables being to the fore. So far, with its huge expansion programme, China is leading in renewable capacity terms, with, according to IRENA’s end 2020 data , around 895 GW of renewables installed, including 370 GW of hydro, compared to 292 GW of renewables including hydro in the USA. However, given the different nature and efficiency of energy use in each country, this doesn’t translate into such a big lead in terms of the share of electricity supplied (around 28% in China, about 20% in the USA), with China having much more low load factor solar PV capacity than the USA (254 GW compared to 74 GW), and much larger curtailment losses for wind, due to its weaker grid system. And in terms of total energy supplied (for power, heat and transport), they are about equal with 10-11% being met from renewables, with both making use of bio-energy of various...
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