A new study by the Hydrogen Council , with consultants McKinsey, says that hydrogen production and distribution systems at scale will unlock hydrogen’s competitiveness in many applications sooner than previously anticipated. It looks to a 60% cost reduction by 2030 for the end user. It says hydrogen can meet about 15% of transport energy demand cost- competitively by 2030 and make similar incursions into other sectors. For example, in addition to the continued use of hydrogen as an industrial feedstock, it says that hydrogen boilers will be a competitive low-carbon building heating alternative, especially for existing buildings currently served by natural gas networks, while in industrial heating, hydrogen will be the only viable option to decarbonise in some cases. And it claims that hydrogen will play an increasingly systemic role in balancing the power system as hydrogen production costs drop and demand rises. The case for a shift to the ‘hydrogen economy’ has been made many...
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