There is now over 580 GW of grid-linked solar photovoltaic (PV) generation capacity in place globally, around 205 GW of it in China, according to IRENA . Japan has around 62 GW, the USA 60 GW and Germany 49 GW. IRENA has said solar PV could supply 25% of global electricity by 2050, with 8.5TW in place. And, as I noted in my last post, others have come up with even higher figures. The Covid 19 crisis has slowed the growth of most renewables, including PV, so some of the very high estimates may have to be revised, but it seems clear that PV is going to be big. Will there be space for it? Roof tops are ideal for PV solar , but there may not be enough space there to meet all our energy needs, and there may also be limits to how many arrays we can accept on the land in solar farms and other large ground-mounted projects. If there’s not enough land space available, one idea has been to put PV arrays on lakes & reservoirs . That has now been done on a wide scale, wit...
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