Energy demand may have fallen during the COVID-19 shut down, but if the global economy gets back to something like its earlier level, it will rise again. Indeed, as before, it may rise faster than renewables can expand, so that carbon emissions will also keep rising. That certainly was the pattern in some sectors before COVID 19. But it is not the complete story- in some cases, demand had been falling, for example for electricity in some countries . And obviously it could do more, with proper support for energy efficiency measures. That too would help cut emissions. Overall global CO2 levels had in fact stabilized , with coal use being squeezed out in some (but not all) areas and renewable continuing to expand. REN21’s 2019 Renewable Energy Status Report noted, that modern renewables had expanded their share in final energy consumption by an average of 4.5% over the last ten years, whereas global energy demand had only risen by 1.5%. However, although growing, the t...
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