2024 has seen some big changes in the energy world, with, for example, the UK announcing an 81% climate emissions cut target for 2035 at the COP 29 climate summit! Renewables have gone from strength to strength, with offshore wind expanding rapidly in the UK and PV solar now getting amazingly cheap- under €0.06/W in Europe. And the problem of having to balance variable renewables with variable demand may have become a bit less onerous, with a new German study claiming that an energy system dominated by solar and wind energy, along with storage and flexible demand management systems, need not have nuclear or fossil fuel base-load power stations to guarantee supply security. Indeed, even leaving aside green hydrogen storage and other backup options, it has been claimed that grid stability and inertia management may not be as hard with renewables on the grid as it’s sometimes portrayed, although it may add to the cost, as of course will storage. However, in terms ...
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